Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday

2.1 pounds!

Another week, another loss! Add in the 2.1 lbs from this week, and that gives me a total of... drum roll, please... 25.5 pounds!

I feel better, clothes fit better and the weight keeps on dropping. I'm happy.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday

2.9 pounds!

What a week! Have to love seeing a big drop in weight, especially when you were expecting to see a gain, as I was! It wasn't that I ate terrible this past week, I just wasn't as strict as I could have been. Maybe the lax in eating standards kick started the old metabolism?

Anyone else been experimenting lately with diets/exercise routines to knock off a few pounds?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Reading, interrupted

Ever started a really good book, feverishly read the first half of the book in a day or two, and then, lose interest in the book entirely?


Apparently I'm the only one.

For whatever reason, every book I've read in the last couple of years (outside of The Hunger Games series), I've started, read a good chunk of the book, and then just stopped. Sometimes it's because I'm too tired to read, sometimes because something with flashing lights catches my attention... whatever the case may be, if I start a book, I'm likely to never finish it.

If this all sounds like an exaggeration, it's not. Currently on my Nook, I have read halfway through the following books (and yet to finish)...

- The Whore of Akron 

 - Dogs of Babel

- Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

- Wheat Belly

- Those Guys Have All The Fun

- World War Z

At first I pretended my lack of desire to finish the books was due to the material; after six straight books that have resulted in me stalling at the halfway point, my tune has changed. No longer is it a book problem, it's a ME problem.

Maybe I should start AND finish reading a self help book to self diagnose. Then again, maybe I'll just read half.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday

I struggle with my weight. Always have, likely always will.  At my worst, I've ballooned to 250 lbs. at my best I've slimmed down to 185. Currently, as the photo above shows, I'm at 199 lbs.

All my life I've been "overweight". People have described me as fat, a few extra pounds, and yes, big boned. Whatever the case may be, I've always managed to carry a few extra pounds around my midsection. Try as I might, I've never found the key to successfully losing weight, and keeping it off.

You see, I'm what dietitians like to call a yo-yo dieter. Have a hot new diet out on the market? I've likely tried it. In the past six months alone, I've been a vegan, I've ate a diet high in protein while low in fat, and for the past two weeks I've been living a gluten free lifestyle. All three diets brought great results, but, and there's always a but...

BUT, the problem, of course, is that once my body adapts to the new way of eating, I stop losing the weight. Usually this occurs when I reach the 200 lbs. mark. At 5'10", 200 lbs. doesn't look terrible on me, especially when I'm clothed, but I can, and should, do better.

Ideally I'd like to weight 175 lbs. At 175, BMI (Body Mass Index) will list me as "normal" in terms of body weight. Of course, BMI does not account for the difference in muscle (which I have very little of) and fat (copious amounts), but it does make for a nice guideline to follow when trying to hit your goals.

Another way to stay on track and hit your goals is to be open and accountable for your weight. This is where my blog comes in to play. Every Wednesday, I'll post my weight. I don't care if I've gained five pounds or lost five pounds I will make it a priority to put a photo of my weight on this blog each and every week. At times, I'm sure it won't be easy, but as you may have figured out already, weight loss has never been something that came easily to me.

Every tradition needs a beginning, today is that moment.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What year is it?

Well, it's been a while, but, after nearly four years of inactivity I've decided to give personal blogging another go.

As for what to expect? You've probably got just as good of an idea as to what's going to be filling up this digital space as I do... so if there's anything particular you want me to blog about, drop me a line and let me know.

- David